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Showing posts from February, 2018

Gun Control

I have pretty strong opinions about gun control so I needed to write this post for myself as much as for anyone else. I believe that I can only stick to my beliefs if I have looked at both sides and am informed about the views of the other side as well. I needed to do some research and challenge my thoughts on the issue so that I was sure that I could be confident in what I write and say to other people. This is such a volatile topic (especially in the wake of the last horrific shooting) and I really want to do it justice by being as objective and sensitive as possible. As a warning, I do not agree that appealing to emotions is a good way to create or enforce policy. So I want to present facts and logical arguments rather than emotional ones.  The first thing I want to do is define some terms-which I realize sounds like a college textbook, but it's important. If we don't have a common ground to start from, then we can never agree on anything and this whole discussion wi

Olympic Insanity

I love the Olympics! My whole family looks forward to it every time it rolls around and all the bedtime rules go out the window for a couple of weeks while we watch it.  I really enjoy the feeling of brotherhood that encompasses it, knowing that most of the world is watching excitedly just like us.  It is an event that, for the most part (take note Ryan Lochte), models great life lessons to my kids; how to win or lose graciously, teamwork, discipline, and courage. That being said...we need to talk about North Korea.  Kim Jong-un, the dictator of The People's Republic of Korea, sent his sister Kim Yo Jong, and a huge cheerleader squad to attend the Opening Ceremonies and some events.  I'll talk about the sister in a minute, but the cheerleader squad is making a big splash for all the wrong reasons.  There are about 230 of them and they are clad in matching red and white uniforms (Handmaid's Tale, anyone?).  According to a North Korean defector who was chosen as a cheerlead

Memos, Spies and all of the Lies

I was originally going to write next about the Shutdown, but so much has happened so I'm skipping over that. Suffice it to say, the shutdown didn't fix anything, and another one will most likely be happening here shortly. Maybe I'll get to write about the next one! The next topic I want to tackle is the Trump/Mueller/FISA/Russia/everyone freaking out situation. I know, I know, very professional title...but it's such a mess, that's really what it should be called. So, here's the rundown in case you're super confused like I was. FISA stands for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (I know, it should be FISC) and is a tribunal that decides "whether to approve wiretaps, data collection and government requests to monitor suspected terrorists and spies." This article from 2016 is interesting because it explains a little more detail about FISA as well as details the fact that in 2015, FISA did not turn down any government requests