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Here we go...

Welcome!  I'm Meagan-wife to Kurt, mom of 4, LDS, Diet Coke lover, and have a BS in Political Science.  I've wanted to write for awhile now but am just getting up the courage to do it.  I have always enjoyed politics but have had it on the back burner since having children.  This last year, I have felt more of a pull to be more involved and educated about the state of our world and what's happening in it.  I don't even really know how I can format this-I have never done anything like this, but I am looking forward to learning as I go and sharing my thoughts with whoever wants to listen.  My goal is to make this an easy way for you to learn about how current events are shaping your world, and be a source of information that can hopefully be more objective than the current mainstream media.  I try to read and listen to both sides of conversation in order to make up my mind about issues and I want other people to look at both sides and make up their own mind as well.  The key, however, is to look at BOTH SIDES and not just one. Also, I recognize that a lot of issues right now are very touchy with people, but I know that talking about them is crucial to being able to move past the problems and work on solutions.  I love my community, and I love my country and so this is my feeble attempt at helping facilitate constructive discussion about issues we are facing.

 What issues do you wish you were informed about but know you are not? What issues do you think are important right now? Let me know!


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